Seattle Pilates Training

At Bodycenter Studios, we offer Workshops for Pilates Instructors of any background, massage therapists, physical therapists and movement practitioners.

Studio Consulting Sessions-$125/hour: We can help you with a variety of studio concerns-setting up your studio, instructor contracts, instructor guidance and education.

Teaching Sessions- $100/hour: This session will help you bring your teaching to a new level. Bring in a client or teach us and we will guide you enhancing your verbal cues, programming, injury exercise options, postural assessment, and decrease your burn-out. This can also be used for a STOTT PILATES® CEC session- price is $100 for a CEC Session.

BODYCENTER Apprenticeship Program
For those students who are looking for individual teaching instruction to take their skills to a deeper level.

  • 5 Private Pilates sessions for Physical Review
  • 5 Private Teaching sessions
  • 10-30 minute Review sessions with Mentor

Fee $1500

  1. Apprentice must commit to observe Mentor 2 hours a week
  2. 30 minute Review sessions every other week with Mentor
  3. Cherie, Michelle, Kristi and Shane will take only Apprentice during a 3-4 month period. We prefer those students who have taken at least Mat and Reformer.

Email Kristi at

Bodycenter also offers private instruction Click here for more information.

®Trademark or registered Trademark of Merrithew Corporation, used under License.

Want to learn more about Bodycenter Studios?

For Instructors

At Bodycenter Studios Seattle, we offer current Pilates instructors workshops and also offer Pilates certification to those inspired to become Pilates Instructors.


Sign up for our new Video Membership for $35 a month. Content includes Barre, mat, and movement options. We will be adding new video material monthly!