At Bodycenter Studios, we offer Workshops for Pilates Instructors of any background, massage therapists, physical therapists and movement practitioners.
- View our Continuing Education Workshop Descriptions & Class Schedule
- Learn about our Anatomy Principles for Pilates Instructors Series
Studio Consulting Sessions-$125/hour: We can help you with a variety of studio concerns-setting up your studio, instructor contracts, instructor guidance and education.
Teaching Sessions- $100/hour: This session will help you bring your teaching to a new level. Bring in a client or teach us and we will guide you enhancing your verbal cues, programming, injury exercise options, postural assessment, and decrease your burn-out. This can also be used for a STOTT PILATES® CEC session- price is $100 for a CEC Session.
BODYCENTER Apprenticeship Program
For those students who are looking for individual teaching instruction to take their skills to a deeper level.
5 Private Pilates sessions for Physical Review
5 Private Teaching sessions
10-30 minute Review sessions with Mentor
Fee $1500
- Apprentice must commit to observe Mentor 2 hours a week
- 30 minute Review sessions every other week with Mentor
- Cherie, Michelle, Kristi and Shane will take only Apprentice during a 3-4 month period. We prefer those students who have taken at least Mat and Reformer.
Email Kristi at
Bodycenter also offers private instruction Click here for more information.
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