Anatomy Principles

Register online for Anatomy Principles for Pilates Instructors Class here

For questions, contact Kristi Quinn at (206) 633-4800 ext 2 or Payment must be made in advance to reserve your space.

This class is a guide to assist you through the study of anatomy and movement. We will combine textbook definitions, pictures and palpation to support your lifelong exploration of the human body. This class brings together the vast amount of information into a focused class for Pilates instructors. You will be prepared for teacher training courses, Injury and Special Populations Course and our many continuing education workshops taught by physical therapists and medical professionals from our community.

Required Texts:

  • Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Germain-Calais
  • Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Biel

Both of these texts are available at

Spring 2025

Course Fees: $550 for entire Series

30 hour Course

Feb 20, 24, 27; March 3, 6, 10, 17, 20, 24, 31 (no classes March 13, 27)

Mondays and Thursdays 6:00 pm -9:00 pm

Small Class size.

We also periodically schedule Cadaver classes.


CLASS #1: Anatomy Methodologies

This class covers essential anatomical terminology used throughout the scientific and health care professions. We will practice using the directional vocabulary. We will also cover the Skeleton.

CLASS #2: Joints, Articulations and Muscle Terminology

This class includes a study of types of joints and how they articulate. You will locate and palpate many important bony landmarks. We will then continue into muscle terminology.

CLASS #3: Anterior Trunk, Neck and Breathing

We will being looking at the anterior trunk muscles and learning about the inner core of the body! We will be covering the abdominals, diaphragm, intercostals, and pelvic floor as well as neck musculature- scalenes, sternocleidomastoid.

CLASS #4: The Scapula and The Hip

The shoulder girdle is a complicated area. We will look at the muscles affecting the neck and the shoulder with the movement of the scapula. The Hip is the 2nd ball and socket joint with many muscles to explore.

CLASS #5: The Hip and The Knee

We'll discuss bony anatomy and alignment of the lower quarter, look at the joints and their movements, and study the muscles that are emphasized so often in Pilates. Expand your knowledge to appreciate the inter-relationships of these muscles groups.

CLASS #6: Elbow, Posture, and Movement Analysis

We will start the class learning about the elbow joint and the corresponding muscles. Then, we will continue into understanding Postural Analysis and Exercise Analysis-crucial to being a competent Pilates Instructor.

CLASS #7: The Deep Spine

Begin to understand the importance of the Multifidus for core support along with the posterior muscles of the body.

CLASS #8: The Leg and Foot

We will look at the lower leg and how it functions with the foot. We will bring all the anatomy back to feel standing on our feet.

CLASS #9 and #10 : Anatomy for Postural Assessment and Practice Anatomy Examination

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For Instructors

At Bodycenter Studios Seattle, we offer current Pilates instructors workshops and also offer Pilates certification to those inspired to become Pilates Instructors.


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